Designed for Life
Designed for Life

Inclusions Worth Considering When Building A New Home


Building a new home brings many joys and thrills! Starting from choosing a home builder to being part of the process, this is when the dream turns into reality. However, often buyers forget to consider facts that may leave them feeling confused and uncertain.

Therefore, before investing, ensure that the design is working for you and your family and what inclusion will best suit your standard of living.

Not sure what inclusions to consider? To help you plan your ideal home, we’ve outlined some important features based upon the most highly qualified home valuers in Sydney.

Storage, and more Storage

A home is your restful haven and too much cluttering can end up overwhelming the ambience of your space. Many new homeowners prefer being minimalist with their designs. They are conscious of displaying too many appliances in the kitchen or putting out furniture more than required around their homes.

Having said that, families with children face challenges to organise their homes and for this reason, a house requires enough storage space. Think of all the toy cars, books, small shelves, sports gear etc, – before you know it, all of these items will create clutter around your home.

Here are some ways to include more storage in your home design:

Consider planning bedrooms with enough shelves and drawers to organise children’s items. Your kitchen must have enough pantry space to store away all your food items and appliances.
A separate laundry space is highly recommended. Laundry rooms can make a great storage space if designed well and utilised properly. Besides keeping a dryer, washing machine and dirty laundry, you could also use it to store away essential items such as spare power boards, extension leads, spare light bulbs, Torch and an essential tools kit as well as, small house items such as collapsible step ladder, umbrellas, rain boots and other similar things.

Most importantly, in your new home, plan a dedicated storage place to put away the items you may not use daily. This space could be sitting under the staircase in a duplex house or for single storey houses, a spacious garage can serve as a great option for big families.

Natural Lighting

Have you always imagined drawing your curtains in the morning with rays of sunbeam entering your room? Or, you dreamt of enjoying a cup of tea seeing the sunset from your lounge area? Whatever the preference is, this should be considered when designing your home.

If you have found your dream home that lacks natural light, then don’t lose hope because there are ways to augment natural lighting into your home. For instance, if you are building a single storey house, consider installing skylights that allow more natural light. Also, consider amplifying light by using light friendly colours such as powder blue, soft grey, off white etc.

If you are keen to maximise the amount of natural light, then consider whether the strategic use of larger windows or sliding doors will allow more natural light to bounce throughout the house.

Additionally, you can adorn the lounge or bedrooms with plenty of beautiful lights. You can dazzle the living area with a chandelier, bright lamps or even spotlights. Alternatively, boost brightness in areas such as corners or corridors with more warm lights such as dimmers.

Whatever your required here at Vogue-Homes we can offer excellent solutions when it come to maximising naturall lighting within your new home.

Extended Living Areas

As a homeowner, you get to include what works best for you; this includes extending living areas as well.

Again, depending on your lifestyle and family size, choose the extension that works the best for you.

Small adjustments such as extending your lounge can make a big difference in your living space. Extended spaces such as alfresco add depth and character to your home. The advantage of the alfresco room is, you can enjoy dinners outside or entertain guests over drinks, while still feeling connected to the main lounge space.

Open plan living rooms are trending with new homebuyers. Unlike the traditional closed-off rooms, kitchen, lounge and dining areas combined and extended, adds a lot more space in the house. Along with the extension, you can also emphasise the living areas with smart furniture that complements the colours of the walls and the rest of the home textures to add harmony.

Some of these suggestions can add considerable cost to your new home. However, if you have the budget consider extending living areas, if you don’t, look for opened planning home designs to create the feeling of extra spaces.


Another inclusion to consider in-home designs is the level of privacy you get within. This may not seem crucial to you, but it is worth considering. Especially, if you prefer privacy from busy streets and prying eyes. There is a range of privacy shutters, tinting windows and blinds you can choose from to meet your needs and suit the design of the house. Not only do they look stylish, they add to your home’s décor.

If you have put behind the idea of traditional curtains, then shutters and blinds make a great choice. The best feature of blinds is that they can be opened for a full view, adjusted for a soft-focus view or closed for privacy. Privacy shutters come in both interior and exterior. The basic difference is the purpose they service. An exterior shutter is for shielding your windows from the outside and indoor shutters homeowners to adjust them from inside. However, external shutters protect windows as well, making it difficult for burglars to break in.

Ease of Maintenance

Maintenance is a major factor to consider when buying a new home. Imagine having to clean up and maintain areas in the house every so often, even on your well-earned weekends. During your house planning, think of high maintenance areas such as floors, outdoor exterior, garden areas etc.
Always look through the lens of future maintaining tasks. Questions to consider: is this surface easy to clean? Will I have to repaint the house every so often?
During your home planning, consider opting for tiles. Not only are they easier to maintain, but much easier to clean than carpets and the most durable. Especially, with the kids or pets around!
Build your home with long term planning, and think through the factors that can save costly expenses for later.

Consideration of Services

As new homebuyers, you will have to take into consideration your essential electrical features. This includes a kitchen to living room power points, for your appliances, television and other entertainment systems.

If you are planning a double-storey home, then think about getting a two-way light switch for both hallway and staircase lighting for your convenience.
For multi-generational homes some additional considerations, predominantly to cater for older people in the home may be:

Elimination of steps with the inclusion of ramps at home entry points.
In multi-storey homes:

  • The addition of a chair lift or domestic elevator to enable easy access to all areas of the home. Note that the latter will require some dedicated floor space at all levels of the home.
  • A dedicated self-contained area on the ground floor.

Your Internet and internal home network connectivity requires careful consideration to ensure that you have reliable connectivity throughout your new home including any outdoor patio/alfresco areas and your garage. For Wi-Fi connectivity, you may need to consider if Wi-Fi range extenders may be required, especially in a multi-storey or large single storey home. These will require power and possibly a direct cable connection back to your internet modem.
You may also want to consider dedicated power and cabled connectivity back to you internet modem specific locations or items that you plan to include in your new home such as:

  • A home office or dedicated study areas.
  • Statically located devices requiring internet connectivity e.g: printers, gaming consoles, Smart TVs or Ceiling mounted home theatre projectors.
  • Home Security systems etc.

It is important to consider how you intend to use all areas of your home and ensure that you have ample power points to support those requirements. With the increased use of portable devices such as Smartphones and Tablets consider power points with built-in charging adapters.
Aside from the above, when planning your new home some other considerations may be:

  • Making your home a smart home with the ability to manage and control household items such as lights and appliances remotely via your Mobile Phone or Tablet.
  • If air conditioning is included ensure that it is capable of being controlled remotely by integrating it into any smart home solution you have implemented.
  • Do you need a dedicated prayer room, shrine alcove or do you want your home to be Feng Shui compliant.

The above features and points are not an exhaustive list however; they serve as a guide of things to be carefully thought out before buying your new home. You are an expert at what you want from your new home, translating that to your home builder who can help build on what you want/need and can give extensive advice and other things to consider can be helpful.

If you have any questions about choosing inclusions for your new home – Contact us and tell us how you envision your new home, we are here to help.